
Command for performing a Mantel test.



Mantel [options];

Menu Equivalent

Analysis→Basic→Mantel Test

Button Equivalent


Available Options

Description of options

Matrix1, Matrix2 = Name | #Number

Specifies the data matrices. These can be distance matrices, angle matrices, or binary matrices. All matrices must have the same number of rows and columns.

Constant = {Name | #Number, Name | #Number, etc.}

Optional parameter which specifies a list of additional matrices to hold constant in a partial Mantel test. These can be distance matrices, angle matrices, or binary matrices. Do not use this parameter if you wish to perform a standard two-matrix Mantel test. All matrices must have the same number of rows and columns.

Permute = Yes | No

Specifies whether or not to estimate significance using a permutation test. The default is Yes.

Permutations = Number

Specifies the number of permutations with which to perform a permutation test (if Permute = Yes). The default is 999; the minimum value is 49.

TwoTail = Yes | No

Specifies whether or not to do a two-tailed permutation test (which can be quite a bit slower than a one-tailed permutation test). The default is No.